- Sand shifted beneath my
- boots. Sweat dribbled down
- my forehead into one eye and
- twisted my face into a grim
- ace.
- I wiped the eye with a
- finger behind my glasses. I
- huffed down a bucket of air
- and puffed it out, huff-puff,
- huff-puff, etc.
- Climbing an 800-foot-tall
- sand dune in the Juniper
- Dunes Wilderness on a bright,
- 90-plus afternoon compares
- with an afternoon walk in the
- park as plucking out whiskers
- one at a time with clam-shell
- tweezers compares with get
- ting a barbershop shave.
- One demands attention.
- The other doesn't. That's my
- guess, anyway.
- The particular 800-foot
- dune mentioned above,
- spread thick with shiny ruby-
- red sand dock halfway up the
- slope, slanted steeper than
- the normal 35 degrees or so.
- That's when piled-up grains
- of sand answer the call of
- gravity.
- I've never heard it, but with
- dry sand and a big slide, a
- bellowing sound occurs, often
- called ``singing sand.''
- I paused, leaned back and
- peered upwards through a
- tight squint. The top 20 feet of
- naked sand seemed to lean
- over me, defying gravity.
- The leaning ridge reminded
- me of a snow ledge ready to
- become an avalanche.
- I'm no Chicken Little
- exactly, but my attention
- piqued, and I scooted out of
- its potential path. Who needs
- a sand slide, singing or not.
- Despite the heat, and the
- attention demanded by the
- terrain, a trip to the Juniper
- Dunes Wilderness area IS
- worth the effort, especially at
- the north entrance.
- You reach that gate through
- a section of pasture on the
- Juniper Dunes Ranch. It's
- accessable only during
- March, April and May.
- So, as May threatened to
- slip away, I left home at 11:03
- a.m. one day last week. I
- stopped twice along
- Blackman Ridge Road to snap
- horned lark photos.
- Sadie the Dalmatian stayed
- home, so cattle in the parking
- area corrals barely glanced
- my way. By 1:03 p.m. I signed
- in at the wilderness gate.
- It's possible to leave the
- gate, climb a short distance
- (30-40 yards?) to a path off to
- the left (south) and avoid
- some of the really steep early
- dunes.
- My strategy, however, since
- few trails exist, involves walk
- ing more or less in a straight
- line, dunes and all.
- At the gate I attached my
- GPS unit to my upper left arm
- with a velcro strap. It plots a
- line on a map as I walk, so I
- can track my route (with di
- rection, moving time, stop
- ping time and distance).
- A compass would suffice,
- but the GPS gives more infor
- mation, so I carry it. If I don't
- forget it.
- Actually, on a clear day, a
- hiker may climb a tall dune
- and see the Juniper Dunes
- Ranch.
- With the GPS in place, I
- climbed the first dune and
- angled to the right
- (southwest).
- The largest number of
- 250-300-year-old juniper trees
- cluster in that direction. I
- stopped often to photograph
- flowers, interesting patterns
- in the sand (created by wind-
- blown grasses), animal tracks
- (including those left by mice
- and Morman crickets) and
- scenic views.
- Once a lizard skittered be
- neath a sage bush. I wanted it
- to be a horned toad, but it
- wasn't. It bobbed up and
- down on the sand among a
- maze of sage bush branches
- and leaves.
- I switched the camera to
- manual focus and snapped
- several photos. For no appar
- ent reason, other than my
- presence, the lizard leaped
- from the sand and clung to a
- branch. I snapped a final
- photo and left.
- I've seen deer, porcupines
- and coyotes among the dunes
- (along with deer hunters and
- illegal motor bikers) there,
- but the lizard and Mormon
- crickets were the main
- critters I saw last week.
- As usual, time rushed by.
- On the north or west side of
- the dunes, hidden from the
- light breeze, the heat
- pounded me. On the ridges,
- however, the breeze felt cool
- against my damp nylon shirt.
- I swigged from the
- 100-ounce CamelBack water
- bag as I walked. It contained
- ice cubes, so the water tasted,
- well, like that fabled elixir.
- After 2 hours, 38 minutes, I
- dropped the daypack and
- cameras beneath a aromatic
- juniper. Sweat soaked the
- back of the bag and my back.
- The breeze felt cool as I sat on
- the ground in the shade.
- I sipped ice water and
- munched two PowerBars.
- The GPS said I'd walked
- 1.74 miles, moving for 1 hour,
- 45 minutes and stopping for
- 53 minutes. I'd made a
- squiggly path in the sand.
- Before I started again, I
- took off my boots, pulled up
- my socks and retied my laces,
- a bit tighter than before, to
- give my feet better support on
- the shifting sand.
- I slipped into the daypack
- and camera bag and headed
- east. After a few hundred
- yards, I turned north.
- My energy flagged a bit,
- and I chose routes around
- dunes when possible. I
- paused for a few photos of
- scenes and bugs on flowers.
- At the gate I checked the
- GPS. I'd covered 3.97 miles,
- walking for 2 hours, 44 min
- utes and stopping for 58:37
- minutes.
- I'd turned the GPS off when
- I sat beneath the juniper tree.
- I drove slowly past the Juni
- per Dunes Ranch to keep the
- dust down and show appreci-
- ation for the owners' toler-
- ance of visitors.
- And I was in no hurry. I
- could drive the 75 miles or so
- home in less than two hours,
- so I would probably be in time
- to wrangle a bowl of soup
- before bedtime.
- If You Go_.
- To reach the north entrance to the
- Juniper Dunes, which is accessible
- onto the Pasco-Kahlotus Highway
- about 45 miles from Walla Walla.
- Drive north for 25 miles or so, and
- turn east onto the Snake River Road.
- After about 3.3 miles turn left (east)
- onto the smooth gravel of Blackman
- Ridge Road. After another two or
- three miles turn left (south) onto Joy
- Road (Rybzinski Road on some
- maps) and pass the Juniper Dunes
- Ranch to the trailhead. Be careful of
- the cattle that may be in the corrals
- or in the pasture.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Juniper Dunes, North Entrance
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